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view post Posted on 5/11/2013, 10:34

Advanced Member



Ultimi aggiornamenti, per fare il punto nell'attesa del 23/11!


Le ultime su “The Day of the Doctor”

Postato lunedì, 04 nov 2013 da Laz,


Ormai il giorno del Dottore è sempre più vicino e le notizie si moltiplicano!

Prima di tutto è stata finalmente annunciata la data di “An Adventure in Space and Time”, il film tv su Doctor Who scritto da Mark Gatiss. Andrà in onda giovedì 21 novembre alle ore 21 (ora UK) su BBC Two. Non sappiamo nulla di un’eventuale trasmissione italiana.

Poi abbiamo la durata esatta di “The Day of the Doctor”: 76 minuti e 44 secondi.

Sappiamo anche che ci saranno (almeno) due mini-episodi legati allo Speciale… sappiamo che saranno sul DVD/Blu-ray, ma non quando e se andranno in onda o saranno messi online (e non diciamo di più per evitare spoiler).

Il 15 novembre ci sarà il Children in Need, in cui sicuramente ci sarà qualcosa. Si pensava ci sarebbe stato il tanto sospirato trailer (ma lo vogliamo ancora vedere così vicini alla trasmissione?), ma forse ci sarà invece direttamente una scena dall’episodio (di cui gira già una descrizione… veritiera?). Magari ci saranno entrambe le cose.

Per quanto riguarda la Celebration del 23 novembre a Londra sono stati aggiunti tantissimi altri ospiti relativi alle stagioni classiche. Tra questi spiccano Peter Davison (Il Quinto Dottore), Carole Ann Ford (Susan) e William Russell (Ian).

Sempre alla Celebration hanno annunciato che per il sabato sera saranno disponibili alcuni posti per vedere l’episodio, ma non ce ne saranno per tutti, quindi se avete prenotato altrove avete fatto bene. I posti nei cinema “normali” sono andati in vendita qualche giorno fa e sono subito andati esauriti (e altre sale sono state aggiunte in seguito, quindi in caso tenete d’occhio i cinema inglesi e degli altri paesi interessati!) Al momento non sappiamo nulla di eventuali proiezioni in Italia, purtroppo.

Rai4 risulta attualmente nell’elenco delle televisioni che trasmetteranno l’episodio in contemporanea.

La BBC ha infine diffuso la breve descrizione dell’episodio… inevitabile, e non particolarmente spoiler. Non leggetela comunque se non volete sapere niente.

In questo Speciale del cinquantenario il Dottore si imbarcherà nella sua più grande avventura. Nel 2013 qualcosa di terribile si sta svegliando nella National Gallery di Londra; nel 1562 è in atto una sanguinaria congiura nell’Inghilterra elisabettiana; e da qualche parte nello spazio un’antica battaglia raggiunge la sua devastante conclusione. Tutta la realtà è in gioco mentre il pericoloso passato del Dottore torna a perseguitarlo.
view post Posted on 7/11/2013, 14:47

Advanced Member



Intervista a Tennant sullo speciale del 50° anniversario di Doctor Who :wub:

dal sito di BBC Media Center

Cliccate sul link qui sopra per guardare il video dell'intervista, riportata nell'articolo!

Interview with David Tennant

Date: 07.11.2013Last updated: 07.11.2013 at 08.44


Last seen in his pin stripe suit and trainers in 2010, David Tennant returns as the 10th Doctor in the 50th anniversary special. Here he talks about rivalry between the Doctors and coming back to the show.

What is it like being part of the 50th in one of the biggest years for the show?

It’s very exciting to be around for the big celebration episode. I think since I left, the expectation had been that I’d end up in this special, because there is a precedent for old Doctors coming back for a visit around the anniversary time. I was thrilled because it’s a huge thing for Doctor Who and it’s a huge thing for television in general. So few shows run beyond a few series and 50 years’ worth is quite a legacy, so I’m very honoured to be part of that.

What is it like working with Matt and Jenna, was there any rivalry or competitiveness between the two sets of Doctors and companions?

It’s funny, I think people almost expected Matt and me to be at loggerheads, but we’ve really enjoyed it. I guess when you‘ve played a character for a long time you kind of feel like you know how they’ll react in most situations. It’s delicious to be handed a situation that’s completely new and a character meeting a version of himself is not something that you come across in a lot of drama. So to get to play that with someone as talented and as quick and brilliant as Matt is nothing short of jolly good fun.

You’ve probably seen some of the previous anniversary specials, but how do you think this one compares to them?

It’s very hard to be objective about something you’re in, especially when you set it up against things that you experienced as a child. But I certainly remember when ‘The Five Doctors' was on, it was electrically exciting. That was of course in the day when we didn’t even have a video player. You couldn’t revisit things, so the chance to see old Doctors that I had never seen on the telly at all, acting with the current, was fantastic. I hope that this will have some of that buzz for today’s generation.

Do you still watch Doctor Who?

Of course, I watch it every time it’s on, along with the rest of the nation.

How did you find filming in 3D compared to 2D?

Our job as actors remains the same really, but you’re aware that there’s a whole extra layer of technical stuff that has to be dealt with and the cameras are bigger. We shot a lot on this hand held camera, which was quite trying for Joe, our intrepid camera operator, who has this enormous thing that he has to lug around and navigate around the set; he did it brilliantly. But it causes some headaches for the camera teams and for the post production side of making it. We’re not doing too much novelty weaving into the lens for the 3D effect, but it gives it an extra zing.

What was it like working with Billie again?

It’s always lovely to see Billie and to be on set with her is a particular joy. She’s one of my favourite actresses and one of my favourite people, so I was very happy to be in the same room as Billie.

Where will you be watching the episode?

Wherever I am in the world and whatever I’m doing, I’m sure I will make time for the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special.

During filming did you ever have a pinch yourself moments thinking, ‘God, I’m back’ or anything like that?

I think the thing with filming Doctor Who is that there is so much excitement around it and there’s so much enthusiasm for it that often the lead up to getting here is more of a delight than shooting it.

Because once you’re on set there’s a script and there’s lines and you’ve got to get the scene shot and they are the pressures that filming always has. Really, you’re just trying to film the scenes the best you possibly can, so you sort of put aside the idea that you’re making something that is a moment in television history. The pressure of that would sort of paralyse you really.
view post Posted on 7/11/2013, 15:25

Advanced Member



E dopo Tennant, che trovate al post precedente, ora l'intervista di Matt Smith... per le appassionate di Eleven!!

Da Tennantnews

Per il video dell'intervista, cliccate QUI

INTERVIEW: Matt Smith Talks About The Day Of The Doctor


With the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary just over two weeks away, the BBC have released a press pack of interviews with the cast of the anniversary special The Day of The Doctor.

Matt Smith talks about working with David Tennant, Billie Piper and John Hurt, performing stunts and filming in 3D.


Stepping back on to the TARDIS for his penultimate ride, Matt Smith takes on the role of the Doctor in his greatest adventure yet. Here he talks about being part of the epic 50th adventure.

Question: What is it like starring in the 50th anniversary special, one of the biggest years for the show?

Matt Smith: It’s a thrill to be in the 50th anniversary. I feel very proud to be part of it and it’s a credit to everyone who started the show back in the 60s that it’s come this far. It’s a great format and a great idea.

Q: ‘The Day of the Doctor’ marks the return of David Tennant and Billie Piper, and we get the revelation of John Hurt’s Doctor. What was it like working alongside them all?

MS: It was a joy to work with David, Billie and John Hurt. I’ve worked with Billie before and I’d obviously seen all of David’s work, especially as the Doctor. He’s a brilliant actor and a brilliant Doctor. It’s quite strange, I always sort of get that surreal thing of looking and David and thinking, ‘Oh my God, there’s Doctor Who’. And John is acting royalty. Another wonderful Doctor and again, a good bloke. I think looking back over my tenure on this show one of the great privileges has been the quality of actors that you get to work with.

Q: Was there any kind of competitiveness between the different Doctors and companions?

MS: No we’re not competitive, I mean there’s a funny bit in the script between the 10th and 11th Doctors comparing Sonics, so there’s competitiveness in the story, but not off screen. We just had a laugh and it was exciting to see David back in the pin striped suit and the Converse. John only has to move his eyes and he flaws you and Billie’s, Billie. I adore Billie, so we had a great time.

Q: Were there any moments when you were standing on the floor waiting for action to be called and thinking ‘Oh my goodness, I’m actually doing this’?

MS: Of course, there’s always those moments in Doctor Who when you’re going, ‘Wow we’re doing Doctor Who and there’s David Tennant over there and John Hurt over there and Billie over there and there’s a Redgrave over there’. There are a lot of those moments when you make this show. But I think the wonderful thing was there was great down time. I just enjoyed spending time with David and obviously for me as well as I am about to leave the show, it was really interesting to talk to him about that experience and his experience on the show, because it is a very individual experience playing the Doctor. It was quite nice to go, ‘What was that bit like for you?’ and it was just sort of enlightening really.

Q: Moving on to stunts, some pictures have been published of you hanging from a TARDIS in front of crowds in Trafalgar Square. What was that like and did you need to be convinced to go up there?

MS: I was hoisted up over 90 feet, double Nelson’s Column, hanging on a wire under the TARDIS. They used the biggest crane I think they had ever brought to Trafalgar Square. I really had to persuade them to let me go up, but I had the most wonderful view of London. It was raining and really windy, but I loved it and would do it again. It was one of the rare brilliant opportunities that you only get with Who.

Q. As well as being shown on BBC One, ‘The Day of the Doctor’ will be available in 3D to those with a 3D TV and in some cinemas. What was it like filming in 3D?

MS: The rigs for the cameras are much heavier and poor Joe, who is our wonderful cameraman, had a very tough time of it. It was like having a 6-year-old or 7-year-old child on your shoulder all day. There’s just a lot more time, the technical process of filming everything is more laborious.
But also there are a lot of plusses and I’m really excited to see how Doctor Who lends itself to it, because I think as a show and a format it really suits the idea of being shot in 3D. I think it’s good for a show like Doctor Who to be at the forefront of technology and that’s what we’ve always been.
It’s always been at the front of the advancement in film and even with the wobbly sets, at least they were having a go and I think it’s a good step forward. It’s an evolution.


4 foto dallo speciale. Una è quella ad inizio post!




Edited by Ary64 - 7/11/2013, 15:35
view post Posted on 7/11/2013, 15:31

E' sempre un signore, Matt.

Video con Eleven appena uscito: Video
view post Posted on 8/11/2013, 16:58

Advanced Member



Pagina di Rai4 dedicata a The Day of the Doctor



90 minuti per celebrare 50 anni, 11 dottori e un pezzo di storia della fantascienza televisiva. Sono queste le premesse dell’episodio speciale di Doctor Who, intitolato The day of the Doctor, che vedrà riuniti in un colpo solo Matt Smith (l’undicesimo e attuale Dottore), David Tennant (il decimo Dottore), Billie Piper (Rose Tyler), Jemma Redgrave (Kate Stewart) e Jenna-Louise Coleman (Clara). Al loro fianco, in questa puntata che omaggerà luoghi iconici di Londra come Trafalgar Square, ci sarà spazio anche per John Hurt che dovrebbe interpretare un Dottore rinnegato.

Nell’episodio speciale per i cinquant’anni di Doctor Who ci saranno i Daleks, rivali storici del Dottore, insieme ai mutaforma Zygons. Lo showrunner Steven Moffat ha così presentato la puntata: “Un uomo si giudica anche dai suoi nemici. Ci è sembrato più che giusto, in un’occasione così particolare, far scontrare il Dottore coi suoi più grandi antagonisti”.
In onda su BBC il 23 novembre, The day of the Doctor sarà trasmesso in contemporanea mondiale in 200 paesi. In Italia i diritti sono stati acquistati ovviamente da Rai4, canale che ha già trasmesso in esclusiva assoluta la serie per tutte e sette le stagioni. La regia dello speciale dei 50 anni è affidata a Nick Hurran, già dietro la macchina da presa di episodi memorabili della settima stagione di Doctor Who come Il manicomio dei Dalek e Gli angeli prendono Manhattan -


Il Plot:

In 2013, something terrible is awakening in London’s National Gallery; in 1562, a murderous plot is afoot in Elizabethan England; and somewhere in space an ancient battle reaches its devastating conclusion. All of reality is at stake as the Doctor’s own dangerous past comes back to haunt him.

"I've been running all my lives. Through time and space. Every second of every minute of every day for over 900 years. I fought for peace in a universe of war. Now the time has come to face the choices I've made in the name of the Doctor. Our future depends on one single moment of one impossible day. The day I've been running from all my life. The day of the Doctor."


Breve clip:

In this exclusive clip from The Day of the Doctor, the Doctor and Clara are shown something that doesn’t seem possible…


Edited by Ary64 - 8/11/2013, 17:28
view post Posted on 8/11/2013, 19:38

Sono curiosa, non ce la faccio più, voglio la puntata!!!
view post Posted on 9/11/2013, 14:30

Advanced Member



Ecco il trailer!!!


Trailer di The Day of the Doctor

Postato sabato, 09 nov 2013 da Laz,

Finalmente! Con un po’ di anticipo rispetto a quanto annunciato è arrivato il trailer dello Speciale del cinquantenario!

E domani sembra che ce ne sarà un altro! Nulla per mesi e poi tutto insieme! :-) (In realtà pare che questo fosse quello di domani, ma alla fine che importanza ha?)

Bando alle ciance, il trailer di The Day of the Doctor:


QUI le screencaps del traile!
view post Posted on 9/11/2013, 18:22

Non mi tengo più. Voglio l'episodio!!!
view post Posted on 10/11/2013, 08:54

Advanced Member



Secondo trailer!

Non c'è ancora in chiaro!

Potete vederlo sul sito di BBC!


Cliccate QUI

EDIT: Trovato!

Eccolo in chiaro!!


QUI TUTTE LE SCREENCAPS e sotto la trascrizione inglese/italiano! :)


Eleventh Doctor: I’ve had many faces, many lives… I don’t admit all of them, there’s one life I’ve tried, very hard, to forget…

John Hurt: Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame.

Eleventh Doctor: Geronimoooooooo!

Tenth Doctor: Allons-y!

Rose: The moment… is coming.

John Hurt: I’m ready.

Eleventh Doctor: Ooooohhh, lovely!

Tenth Doctor: Why are we all together? Why are we all here?

Eleventh Doctor: I remember this! Almost remember.

Tenth Doctor: Oh, you’ve redecorated. I don’t like it.


Tenth Doctor: For once I would like to know where I’m going.

Eleventh Doctor: No, you really wouldn’t.


John Hurt: I’m… looking for the Doctor!

Tenth Doctor: Well… You’ve certainly come to the right place.


Undicesimo Dottore: Ho avuto molte facce, molte vite… Non le ammetto tutte quante, c’è una vita che ho veramente cercato di dimenticare…

John Hurt: I grandi uomini sono forgiati nel fuoco. È il privilegio di uomini inferiori accendere la fiamma.

Undicesimo Dottore: Geronimoooooooo!

Decimo Dottore: Allons-y!

Rose: Il momento… sta arrivando.

John Hurt: Sono pronto.

Undicesimo Dottore: Ooooohhh, carini!

Decimo Dottore: Perché siamo tutti insieme? Perché siamo tutti qui?

Undicesimo Dottore: Me lo ricordo questo! Quasi.

Decimo Dottore: Oh, hai ridecorato. Non mi piace.


Decimo Dottore: Per una volta mi piacerebbe sapere dove sto andando.

Undicesimo Dottore: No, non ti piacerebbe.


John Hurt: Sto… cercando il Dottore!

Decimo Dottore: Be’… sei sicuramente arrivato nel posto giusto.

Edited by Ary64 - 10/11/2013, 09:37
view post Posted on 10/11/2013, 22:39

Advanced Member



Ultimissime da

“The Night of the Doctor” e “The Last Day”

Postato domenica, 10 nov 2013 da Laz, in Speciali


Steven Moffat mesi e mesi fa ci prendeva in giro dicendo “Non penserete che ci sarà soltanto un episodio, vero?” Ancora oggi non è molto chiaro a cosa si riferisse, sicuramente le celebrazioni – per chi si lamentava qualche tempo fa – ora si sono fatte molto più pressanti e credo sia impossibile vivere in UK senza sapere cosa sta per succedere.

Ci sono però due miniepisodi certi di cui sappiamo qualcosa. Inizialmente annunciati solo per il DVD/Blu-ray ora la BBC ha fatto sapere qualcosa di più su uno di questi.

I miniepisodi saranno (almeno) due: “The Night of the Doctor” e “The Last Day”.

Di “The Night of the Doctor” sappiamo che sarà disponibile in UK da sabato prossimo, che dura 6 minuti e 56 secondi (lunghissimo!) e che vedrà come protagonista solo uno dei tre Dottori di cui conosciamo la partecipazione nello Speciale: Matt Smith, David Tennant o John Hurt.

Di “The Last Day” si sa ancora meno, solo la durata, inferiore: 3 minuti e 57 secondi.

I titoli sono naturalmente molto interessanti! Molti pensano che si possa persino assistere a qualcosa di molto importante in uno di questi miniepisodi (non diciamo cosa per non spoilerare).
view post Posted on 11/11/2013, 08:30

Advanced Member



Dal trailer...

Imperdibili!!! ^_^ :wub:

view post Posted on 11/11/2013, 11:10

Ahahahaha sono bellissimi!!!
view post Posted on 12/11/2013, 07:24

Advanced Member



Ahahahah... Mine it's better than yours...sonic-screwdriver... :lol: :lol: :lol:


I don't like! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Edited by Ary64 - 12/11/2013, 07:42
view post Posted on 12/11/2013, 10:46

CITAZIONE (Ary64 @ 12/11/2013, 07:24) 
Ahahahah... Mine it's better than yours...sonic-screwdriver... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Freudiano non poco XD Povero Ten, quanto ci resta male XD
view post Posted on 13/11/2013, 05:56

Advanced Member



BBC ha rilascito tutta una serie di immagini ufficiali!

Ne posto qualcuna, le altre le trovate QUI

mentre una gallery con gli scatti dal trailer e le foto più o meno ufficiali, la trovate QUI






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